Duncan Robinson: NBA Star and Strategic Advisor to SportsVisio
In the fast-paced world of sportstech, having a strategic edge can often be the difference between winning and losing. Recognizing the importance of strategic insight in today's competitive landscape, we are thrilled to announce the addition of Duncan Robinson to our team as a Strategic Advisor.
Duncan's Journey to SportsVisio
Duncan’s name is synonymous with excellence in basketball, and he brings a wealth of experience and a keen strategic mindset. His journey from undrafted rookie to key player for the Miami Heat has been nothing short of remarkable, showcasing not only his exceptional skills on the court but also his ability to analyze the game from a strategic perspective. His list of accomplishments are extensive. He’s the fastest player in league history to 1,000 three pointers and signed the largest contract in league history for an undrafted player.
The New Hampshire Connection
There’s also a strong local connection that draws back to New Hampshire, and helped with the initial connections. Duncan grew up in New Castle, and attended prep school at Phillips Exeter Academy, which not far from SportsVisio’s home base in the Manchester area.
Duncan immediately understood the market opportunity - bringing AI to basketball statistics and analytics. "SportsVisio is a secret weapon. Quick access to stats and highlights is like having a coach and a video assistant in my pocket.”
What is a Strategic Advisor
As a Strategic Advisor, Duncan will lend his expertise and network to the team at SportsVisio, offering insights and guidance on how the company can provide cutting-edge solutions to athletes, coaches, and teams. His unique perspective as both a player and a student of the game will prove invaluable in shaping the future product direction.
“Duncan’s commitment to continuous improvement and his relentless work ethic make him the perfect fit for SportsVisio's culture of innovation and excellence.” Jason Syversen, SportsVisio founder and CEO of SportsVisio noted.
Watch Teenage Duncan Light It Up
In our app, you can find Duncan’s Championship game from his time at Phillips Exeter Academy, where he shot 100% from the field. Check it out here: Phillips Exeter vs Chaote Rosemary Hall.
Photo credit to Brian Bjerketvedt of Hybrid Studio.
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